First-Of-Its-Kind Study Sciatica Prognosis Worse Than Expected
Roughly six out of ten patients seeking primary care for back pain also report back-related leg pain.1 That number includes both leg pain characterized by nerve root entrapment (sciatica) and referred leg pain without nerve. root involvement.
Sciatica: Immediate Physiotherapy Improves Treatment Success Rates 60% at 1 Year
In our November bulletin, we described a study out of the U.K. that is reversing a decade’s old consensus opinion that sciatica has a good prognosis, with the majority of paincomplaints resolving within four weeks.
Pilates Classes Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Joseph Pilates developed the exercise system bearing his name to be a low-impact fitness routine that would be suitable for anyone and that could also enhance mindfulness and mood.
Groin Pain Syndrome
In February, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a review of groin pain syndrome.
Sciatica: Immediate Physiotherapy Improves Treatment Success Rates 60% at 1 Year
In our November bulletin, we described a study out of the U.K. that is reversing a decade’s old consensus opinion that sciatica has a good prognosis, with the majority of pain complaints resolving within four weeks.1,2 In the U.K. study, Kika Konstantinou et al. found that patients went from an average pain intensity of 5.2 on a 10-point scale to 2.4 after one year. Other measures of pain and disability showed strong persistence as well.
Breast Cancer Exercise
Breast Cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women.1 Survival rate has increased as a result of advancement in diagnosis and treatment, with a five-year survival rate of 91% in Australia.[2] Women are living longer after their cancer diagnosis, but are faced with many long-term side effects of the disease and associated treatment.[3]
Pilates Classes Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Joseph Pilates developed the exercise system bearing his name to be a low-impact fitness routine that would be suitable for anyone and that could also enhance mindfulness and mood.
Barriers to Osteoarthritis Management
Despite relative uniformity in clinical guidelines, the care Australians receive for osteoarthritis is variable and often divergent from the guidelines, according to Martin Basedow (University of South Australia) and his research team.
The Effect of Physiotherapy Timing on Low Back Pain Spending & Outcomes
Across Australia, the cost of low back pain is on the rise, but outcomes are not improving.1 The healthcare community continues to search for methods that will improve outcomes for patients.
Fall Prevention Rehab Is it Cost-Effective
In New South Wales, fall injury deaths are on the rise. Compared to 2001, fallrelated mortality among people age 65+ is up 72%.1 In addition to the personal toll these injuries levy on our patients, they create significant medical expenses
Knee or Hip Osteoarthritis What’s the Most Cost-Effective Physiotherapy?
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. As the population ages and obesity becomes more prevalent, the number of Australians with arthritis is expected to rise from 2.2 million in 2015 to 3.1 million by 2030.1
Low Back Pain is Not a Disease - What is The World’s Most Disabling Condition?
Upper limb pain is common, disabling, and prone to recurrence without treatment. Each year, up to one-half of adults report upper limb pain lasting a day or longer, and roughly a third of them seek health care.1
We Recommend Staying Active for Back Pain. Should We Do it for Distal Arm Pain?
Upper limb pain is common, disabling, and prone to recurrence without treatment. Each year, up to one-half of adults report upper limb pain lasting a day or longer, and roughly a third of them seek health care.
One in Three Paediatric Athletes Suffer Secondary ACL Injuries
Australia has the highest incidence of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction procedures in the world.1 From 2000 to 2015 our annual rate grew 43%. Among patients under 25 years old, the rate skyrocketed 74% in that same timeframe.
Femoroacetabular Impingement - A Morphology of One in Five People?
Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is often defined as a hip morphology of the femoral head and/or acetabulum. It causes the femoral neck to impact against the acetabular rim during a functional range of movement. This results in wear on the labrum and acetabular cartilage...